
Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni.

About Sohail Yemeni, the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam says that he is superior to his followers due to his kindness and favor. When there is praise by the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam then what else can I describe about him. Sometimes the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam used to turn his face towards Yemen and said, “I feel the breeze of love from the Yemen.” the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam told on the day of judgment that Allah azzawajal will create 70,000 angels same as Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni (clone) and when Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni will come there in between them and will proceed to the heaven, no one will recognize him except Allah azzawajal, because in the world he used to worship away from the mankind and so he will be kept away from the mankind on the day of judgment. It is mentioned that the friends of Allah azzawajal will be kept hidden by him, so no one will be able to see them. On the day of judgment the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam will come out of his palace and will say, “ where is Owaise radi allahu anhu, so that I can see him.” soon there will be a call in which it will be heard that do not worry in this matter, you will not see him here as you did not see him in the world.
The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam told that there was a person in my followers and his recommendation was accepted which was equal to the hairs of the sheep of Rabiya and Mizer tribes of Arabia. There were two tribes in Arabia who had many sheep at that time. The companions asked the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam, “Who that person is?” he said, “He is one among the slaves of Allah azzawajal.” then they told the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam that they were also slaves of Allah azzawajal, but what was his name. The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam told them, “His name is Owaise radi allahu anhu and he is from Qarni.” they asked him, “Where he is?” He replied, “He is in Qarni.” then companions asked the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam, “Have you seen him?” he replied that even though he did not see him physically but he was seen by the eyes of certainty. The companions asked that how such a lover did not come to see you. He said, “It may be due to two reasons, first due to his conditions and second is to respect my Shariat (Islamic law), because his mother is old and blind. He looks after camels and gets some money for the food and clothes for his mother. Then the companions asked could they see him. The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam answered that Abu Bakr radi allahu anhu will not see him but Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu and Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu will see him. On Owaise radi allahu anhu Qarni’s body there are hairs and on his chest and on his palm there are small white marks, which are not of leprosy.The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam said to Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu, “When you will meet him, convey my salam and ask him to pray for the Muslims.” the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam told he is superior among the Allah azzawajal ‘s men who are hidden. Then the companions asked that where could they find him? The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam replied, “In Yemen there is a camel look after Owaise radi allahu anhu and you have to follow his foot steps.”
When the time of prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s death was nearer, the companions asked that to whom they should give his dress. He said, “to Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni.” After the death of prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu went to Koofa (Baghdad) and at the time of delivering sermon Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu requested the people of Najd to stand and asked them, “Is there any person from Qarni.” they said, “yes.” then Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked them did they know about Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni? They replied, “no, but there is a mad person who lives away from the people.” Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked where he lives. They replied, “He lives in Arna valley and looks after the camels, eats dry bread in the night, neither come to the village nor talk to the people.” he does not eat what we eat and he does not know sorrow and happiness. When people laugh he weeps and when people weep he laughs. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu went to that valley and found that Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni was praying at that time. Allah azzawajal has ordered his angels to look after his camels. When there was a sound he finished his prayer and said salam to Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked him, “ What his name is?” he replied, “A slave of Allah azzawajal.” then Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu said, “We all are slaves of Allah azzawajal but I am asking your proper name.” he replied, “Owaise.” Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu told him to show his left hand. He showed his hand and Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu saw the white mark on his hand, which was already described by the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam. He kissed his hand and said, “The prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam has conveyed his Salam and has sent his dress for you and asked you to pray for the Muslims.” then Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni told them, “You are superior so you pray, as you are very close to the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam.” Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu replied, “I will pray but you also pray according to the advice of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni requested Omer farouq radi allahu anhu to please check some other person and that he is not the real one. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu said that they have found all marks on him, which were explained by the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam. Then Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni said, “Give me the dress so that I can pray.”Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu gave him the dress. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni told him to stay there and he went away and poured the dust on his face and asked Allah azzawajal, “Oh Allah azzawajal, I will not wear the dress until you accept my recommendation for all Muslims and for this the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam has sent his dress and Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu have done their work, now your work is left.” then there was call in which it was heard, “I have forgiven some people due to your recommendation.” Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni replied, “I will not wear the dress until you forgive all Muslims.” then the call was heard again in which it was told, “I have forgiven many people.” when he was talking to Allah azzawajal, at the same moment Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu came over there. When Owaise radi allahu anhu saw them there he asked them that why they have come over there because he was talking to Allah azzawajal and that he will not wear the dress until he (Allah) azzawajal accepts my recommendation for all the Muslims. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu saw that Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni was wearing a rag dress, in which there was wealth of 18000 worlds. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu was very sad to see himself and his caliphate, so he said, “Anybody is there who can purchase his caliphate for a piece of bread.” Owaise radi allahu anhu said that foolish will purchase so throw it and anybody who likes it, will take it, so there is no need of selling and buying it. Then Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni wore the dress and said that Allah azzawajal has forgiven the Muslims on his recommendation and due to this dress to equal number of the sheep of Rabiya and Mizer tribes. Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu was silent. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked him, “Oh Owaise radi allahu anhu, why have you not met the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam?” Owaise radi allahu anhu asked, “Have you seen the forehead of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam. If you have seen then tell me whether his eyebrows were close or scattered.” but he could not reply this. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni told, “ Are you a friend of the prophet Muhammad salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam?” he said, “yes.” if you were firm in the friendship then why you have not broken your teeth when the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s teeth were broken in the battle of mount of Ohud in Madina and this is the rule of friendship. He showed his teeth and said that he had broken all his teeth in prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s love without even seeing him. When I broke a tooth, I was not sure of it as it might be the same tooth of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam or not and then I have broken all my teeth. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu wept and said that your value of respect was great. He did not see the prophet but his respect for the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam was admirable. We have to learn respect from him. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked him to pray for him. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni told him that there should be no desires and wishes when one has faith in Allah azzawajal. In every prayer I used to pray for all men and women of Muslim world for Allah azzawajal’s mercy and forgiveness. If you die with faith then you will find result of my pray in your grave otherwise my pray will be spoiled. Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu asked him to give some advice. He said, “Oh Omer radi allahu anhu, do you know Allah azzawajal?” Omer radi allahu anhu said, “Yes, I know.” He told Omer radi allahu anhu that except Allah azzawajal he does not know anybody and it is better for you also. Again Omer radi allahu anhu asked for more pieces of advice. He said, “Oh Omer radi allahu anhu, does Allah azzawajal know you.” He said, “Yes.” then it is better that Allah azzawajal knows you more than others. Then Omer radi allahu anhu told him to please wait for some time, so that he can bring something for him. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni took out two dinars from his pocket and said, “This is my earning from camel grazing. If you guarantee that these two dinars are enough for my entire life then I will accept the other things from you, otherwise I do not need anything.” then Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni gave thanks to them for coming over there to see him after facing many difficulties and asked them to leave the place. The Day of Judgment is near, where we can meet there and from there we will not separate at all. Now I am busy for the preparation for the life after death. When Omer Farouq radi allahu anhu and Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu left that place the people of that place started respecting Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni.
He left that place and reached Koofa. After that nobody has seen him, but Huban’s son Harm when he heard about the greatness of recommendation of Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni he was anxious to see him. He went to Koofa to see him, searched him and by chance he found him on the river Farat where he was doing ablution and washing his clothes. He said, “I recognized you due to your greatness and what I have heard about you.” He paid salam to him; he replied it and he looked at me carefully. I wanted to shake his hand but he did not give his hand. I said, “Oh Owaise radi allahu anhu, Allah azzawajal has blessed you, granted his mercy and has forgiven you.” I wept in his friendship and on his weak condition, Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni also wept. Owaise radi allahu anhu said, “Oh Harm, the son of Huban, god bless you. What thing you have brought here and who showed you my address.” Harm replied him, “How do you know my name and my father’s name, as I have not seen you before.” Owaise radi allahu anhu said, “Allah azzawajal told me, who knows everything. My soul recognized your soul, as soul of Muslim knows each other.” I asked him to narrate any saying of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam. He told that he did not met the prophet and has heard his qualities from others and do not want to become scholar of prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam’s tradition, as he has many pending things to do. Then he asked him to recite any verse from the Quran. He recited. “A‘oodhu billahi minash shaitan rajeem” and he started weeping. He said that Allah azzawajal says in the Quran, “wama khalaqtul jinna wal insa illa li-ya‘budoon.” he recited and he cried in loud noise so I thought that he had gone mad. He again asked me what had brought him there. I told him that I wanted your friendship and to become successful. He replied that one who knows Allah azzawajal does not need the love and affection of others and gets comfort from others. I asked him to advise me. He told me that when you sleep, think that your death is under your pillow. When wake up, do not have many hopes and do not consider any sin smaller, but think it is big one. If you think any sin smaller then you think Allah azzawajal small and will become a sinner. I asked him, “What do you say about my stay?” he told me to go to Syria. Then I asked how I would find my livelihood there? Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni said, “It is very sad that their hearts are full of doubts and suspicions and they do not accept the pieces of advice.” I asked him some more pieces of advice for me. He told, “Oh son of Huban, your father died. Adam alayhi salaam, Eve alayhi salaam, Noah alayhi salaam, Abraham alayhi salaam, Moses alayhi salaam, David alayhi salaam also died. Abu bakr radi allahu anhu died who was the first caliph, my brother Omer radi allahu anhu also died.” then he said, “Oh Omer radi allahu anhu, god bless you.” Omer radi allahu anhu is still living. He says, Allah azzawajal has informed him that Omer radi allahu anhu has passed away. He told me that, I and you are in between dead. He recite blessing and started praying. He advised me to follow the holy book and the right path and do not forget about death at any moment. When you reach your people then advise them and also advise mankind. Always follow the steps of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam, otherwise you will be out of the religion and be eligible for the hell. He then advised some prayers and asked me to go. He said, “Oh son of Huban, you will not see me and I will not see you again, but remember me in your prayers, because I to remember you in my prayers. You go on that way and I will follow this way.” I had desire to follow him for some time but he did not allow me. He wept and I also wept. I was watching him from the backside but after some time he disappeared. After that there was no news about him. The son of Huban said that Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni first told him about the four caliphs of the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam.
Rabiya narrates that he went to see Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni and he saw him while he was performing the morning prayer. After the prayer he was busy in the glorification of Allah azzawajal until the time of noon prayer. He was busy with his work until the time of next prayer and in this way he was very busy until next morning prayer. For three days he did not eat or drink anything or even slept. On fourth night he slept for some time and then wake up and started hymns, in which he said, “ Oh Allah azzawajal, keep me away from full sleep and full food in the stomach and it is enough for me and I have come back to you.” it is said that he never slept in the nights. He used to say that the night was for doing prostration, bowing and for standing before God. He used to keep every night alive. When people asked him, “How do they pray?” he told, “I want it will be dawn before I did not say ‘Subhan Allah azzawajal’ in the prostration. As I want to do worship same as angels do in the sky.” When people asked him, “What is khudo (attention) in the prayers?” He told, “If there is wound of spear on your body but you did not notice it.” The people asked him, “How are you?” how he will be, when he wake up in the morning and the death will allow him to be alive or not upto night? When people asked him about his work, he replied, “Oh, the journey is long but no preparations at all?”
Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni said that if you worship of Allah azzawajal and if the same is equal to the worship of all creations of Allah azzawajal in the sky and earth but Allah azzawajal will not accept the same unless you have faith in him. The people asked him further, how we have to keep faith in Allah azzawajal. He said at the time of worship do not think for other things, which Allah azzawajal have reserved for you. He said, “Whoever like the following three things, for him hell will be near to nerve of his neck.”
1.Good food
2.Good dress
3.Sitting with wealthy people

People told Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni that there is one man who is sitting in the grave since 30 years and wearing shroud around his neck and weeping. He said, “Take me to that person so that I can see him.” the people took him to that person and he saw that man who has become thin by weeping. He told him, “Oh man, the shroud and the grave has kept you away from the Allah azzawajal, and these two things are disturbing on your way.” Due to his divine appearance that person was able to see these things on him and his condition was revealed to him. He died in the grave. So think on it that if grave and shroud are seen then other things can also be seen. It is reported that Owaise radi allahu anhu has not eaten anything or drank even water for three days. On the fourth day he got a dinar on the way. He did not took that dinar and he thought that it belonged to some other person and he went ahead to eat grass. Then he saw a sheep and in her mouth there was hot bread and the sheep kept that bread before him. But he thought that it belonged to some other person. The sheep told him, “I am the slave of Allah azzawajal like you.” then he took that bread and that sheep was disappeared. His praise and qualities are too many and great. In the beginning Shaikh Abul Qasim Gorgani was the follower of Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni. Owaise of Qarni says that one who knows Allah azzawajal from Allah azzawajal, and then he knows everything. He said, “Safety is in loneliness. The person who is single and alone and who do not think about others in his heart is safe and secured, because it is not good to think about others in loneliness. Satan (devil) will run away when two persons meet each other.” So he did not go there because he knew that no need to misguide them, as those persons are busy with each other and have forgotten Allah azzawajal. Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni suggested keeping control on the heart so that other person (devil) may not enter into it.
Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni’s sayings
1.When I asked for high respect, I got it in the service.
2.When I asked for leadership and status, I got it in the people’s advice.
3.When I asked for kindness and service, I got it in the truth and right path.
4.When I asked for proud and greatness, I got it in poverty and misery.
5.When I asked for link, I got it in goodness and in the fear of god.
6.When I asked for fame, I got it in the worship.
7.When I asked for carelessness, I got it in the trust of God.

It is reported that the neighbors of Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni told him that they thought him a mad man. They collected some money and constructed a house for him. He used to live in that house. There was nothing in the house to eat at the time of breakfast. He tried to earn money by collecting seeds of dates and by selling them. From that money he managed his food. If he collected dates, he used to sell them and that money was spent for the charity. His dress was old and not in the good condition. He made his dress from the horse skin which he used to clean himself. He used to leave the house at the time of morning prayer and to enter the house after night prayer. Wherever he went, the children threw stones on him. He requested the children to throw small stones on him to avoid bleeding from his body and not to spoil his ablution. He was not worried about his legs but he was worried about his prayers.
In his last days he met Ali Ibn Taleb radi allahu anhu and participated in the war of Seffin and died there. There is a group of people who consider themselves as Owaisia radi allahu anhu. For them there is no need of teacher and they do not have any source with them like Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni, but they are on the right path of religion due to the grace of god.
Owaise radi allahu anhu of Qarni has not seen the prophet but the prophet salla allahu ta’ala’alayhi wa sallam did his internal training and this is fact. His position is very high and it is difficult for anybody to attain such a high position. Such greatness is due to the kindness and mercy of God. Whom God likes, will be given such a great position.
His grave is in a small village of Yemen, which is far away from capital Sana.

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